A reader writes:
I came across a term, “the Anka Banka” which is unfamiliar to me. I can glean context, but want to know if you have or can find any information about it. It is spoken about 55 seconds into this video […]
My Internet searches were not helpful.
The video is an interview with an engineer who is spending hundreds of dollars a day on crack (allegedly — there is much doubt expressed in the YouTube comments about who he is and whether any of it can be taken at face value); the interviewer asks him how he can allow this to happen to his own life, and he says he used to ask the same thing about others, but “once you have tried it, you become the Anka Banka[,?] you understand.” Does anybody have a clue as to what the reference is? (N.b.: There is an Urban Dictionary page for the phrase, but it is based solely on this quote.)
It’s referencing the slogan from ads for Anchor Bank back in the 80s.
Example of 40-year-old Anchor Bank tv ad (with the tagline at the very end) is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kUkUBAGVq0
I did not grow up in the right broadcast market to have been routinely exposed to these ads, so it’s not a cultural in-joke for me.
Although my first guess would have been a pseudo-exoticism akin to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunga_bunga
Solved immediately — the Hattery comes through again!
You can even hear the rhotic in the interview. He says, “…you become the Anchor Banker. You understand.” The interview is from 1981, when the ad was around.
@J.W. Brewer: They were offering 11.25% interest on money market funds in 1983, federally insured up to $100,000 (thanks, Fernand St Germain). Financial institutions reaching for those kinds of returns (and the, “I’ll be gone; you’ll be gone,” attitude of the people collecting bonuses for achieving them in the short term) were how we ended up with the savings and loan crisis.
How does the financial system work