Around DH in 80 Days.

Michael Hendry sent me this link, to “a story about a project to crowdsource (with more accuracy than that usually implies) the proofing and on-line publication of all 90 volumes of Tolstoi’s works,” and then added “a lot of the other things on the site (Around the Digital Humanities in 80 Days) look like they would be of interest to Hatters.” He’s absolutely right; here is the page listing the “days” they’ve put online so far, and I’m pretty sure everyone will find something of interest. “Deepening Histories of Place” is a “multi-institutional digital cultural project for Aboriginal knowledge management”; “Aluka” is “an international collaborative working to build a ‘digital library of scholarly resources from and about Africa'”; “Book of the Dead | Totenbuch” is a project to edit the text of the Egyptian Book of the Dead; “Sefaria” is a crowdsourced project “to make a ‘free living library’ of all texts in the Jewish canon in their original languages (mostly Hebrew or Aramaic), with translations to English.” There’s lots more where those came from — check it out!


  1. I think Deepening Histories of Place: Exploring Indigenous Landscapes of National and International Significance looks like a wonderful idea. In fact, something similar could be done for just about any place in the world, including the multi-layered histories of Eastern European and Russian cities that Languagehat often deals with. Every place has its ‘real’ history, which is quite separate from the nation-state imposed bullshit that passes for history in much of the world.

  2. Exactly, and I hope to see many more such histories. Down with nation-state-imposed bullshit!

  3. Definitely a neat site. I’ve forwarded links to a number of “days” to colleagues and buddies.

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