The blog Coffee & Donatus (“Early grammars and related matters of art and design”) had, alas, only five posts during its brief period of activity (early 2014 to early 2015), but the posts that are there are well worth checking out: An Englishman’s Armenian Grammar—Lord Byron at the Monastery of Saint Lazarus; A Learned Spider’s Epitaph; The Art of Grammar: Buno’s Neue Lateinische Grammatica 1651; Adjectives, Doughnuts in Rhyme, and Excellent White Bread; and Excerpts from Grammars No. 1: Charles Peter Mason 1879. A great concept, as Bathrobe (who sent me the link) said, and hey, perhaps the blogger is just taking a break!
Here is “Reader Response and The Circulation of Mkhit‘arist Books Across the Armenian Communities of the Early Modern Indian Ocean”, an excellent and not very technical article about how the Armenian printer-monks of San Lazzaro in the Venice lagoon printed books that ended up in the hands of Armenian readers in the ports of the western coast of India.
They have a very active Twitter feed. Perhaps tweeting gave then better results than blogging
Bah. I hate the passage of the once-powerful blog into the dustbin of history!
Exceptionally difficult for me to log on to the site, perhaps because I am not an academic and have no papers to upload (which I suppose is deliberate) although I have written millions of words in my career. I hope they appreciate the only thing I could find to upload and thus access the site, a detailed report of a Formula 1 Grand Prix auto race …
You only need to log on to if you want to download papers, not if you just want to read them from the site. I prefer PDFs, so I told them I was an independent scholar and all was well. I have never uploaded anything, though I have commented on actual academics’ draft papers.
Many thanks LH. I have been curious about Byron and Armenian since the mention-in-passing during the Survey of Eng. Lit. in either high school or college ~60 years ago. Oddly enough, I never encountered anything till now.
And thanx too to JC for reference to that PDF. I’ve had the same experience as you with Good reading tonight.
For an historical/geographic/linguistic-based intellect ‘Reader Response and the Circulation of Mkhitar’ist Books Across the Armenian Communities of the Early Modern Indian Ocean’ is excellent reading, although for more than one evening. The section that is descriptive bibliography is slow going, especially as I don’t read Armenian script, and it’s only for a scholar who wants to dig in sources, but the part on the geographic range of distribution (Venice to the Hooghly River, with side excursions to Transylvania and Persia) expands the mind on Armenian in the 17th and 18th centuries. It’s a good addition to the history of the book, with potential for more detail on readers.
Thanks again, JC.