Corpus Corporum.

From the About page:

The site is a Latin text (meta-)repository and tool under way of development. Users should take into account that some functions do not yet work satisfactorily. This Corpus Córporum is being developed at the University of Zurich under the direction of Ph. Roelli, Institute for Greek and Latin Philology. The project uses exclusively free and open software and is non-commercial. Our main goals are:

– To provide a platform into which standardised (TEI) xml-files of Latin texts can be loaded (if you would like to share your texts, please contact us) and downloaded (unless copyrights or the texts’ providers restrict this).

– To make these texts searchable in complex manners (including proximity search and lemmatised search). Search results, wordlists and concordances can be generated for the current text level at the bottom left of the page (we use the open-source software Sphinx).

– To be able to use the platform to publish Latin texts online (cf. the Richard Rufus Project’s corpus).

– Texts may be downloaded as TEI xml or txt-files for non-commercial use (in snippets also as pdf) and can thus be reused by other researchers.

The texts are divided into corpora on a specific topic that can be searched and studied separately: the first such corpus consists of ten translations of Aristotle’s Physica into Latin. They were used to study how technical Greek language could be translated into Latin. Word frequency lists are also on the server.

The internet gets better and better. Thanks, Bruce!

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