I confess I’m not familiar with the Canadian poet E.J. Pratt, but Sandra Djwa [Wikipedia, homepage] is putting online “a fully annotated edition of the poetry of E.J. Pratt, incorporating all completed versions of every poem, linked to scanned-in images of every page of every version.”

The Complete Poems will ultimately include some 200 poems, and will be mounted on the World Wide Web. Discussions are currently underway with the University of Toronto Press concerning the publication of a new print edition, to be keyed to the hypertext edition: it will contain a single version of each poem and minimal scholarly apparatus (a brief introduction, a glossary, no textual notes). The hypertext edition of the poems will eventually be linked to a hypertext edition of the letters, edited by David G. Pitt, Professor Emeritus, Memorial University and Elizabeth Popham, Professor of English Literature at Trent University.

It’s very well done, and I hope will serve as a model for similar projects. (Via wood s lot.)


  1. need enthing abunt ejpratt nuthing to biy

  2. Your comment, my good sir, was not in English.
    (Referring to the above comment). Please fix it.

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