For a month, anyway. They’re having a free trial of OED Online through February 5; login with “trynewoed”/”trynewoed.” Hat tip to Ben Zimmer.


  1. I’m embarrassed to say I spent a couple of minutes thinking “trynewoed” was a Welsh word.

  2. No dictionary entries found for ‘trynewoed’.
    I took the tour. It’s fantastic, I could really get used to it. Too bad it’s $300 a year.

  3. Hey, Porky, that’s not even a dollar a day ! I bet you spend much more than that each year on goat polish.

  4. Damn, I got my entry fields mixed up.

  5. Is “goat polish” like “dog latin”?

  6. Yes. Both are artefacts created to improve the appearance and knowledge of animals, bringing them up to scratch. Of course some already can.

  7. Goat Polish? I only just learnt “Dikobraz”.

  8. Nicholas Sanders says

    For those who don’t already know, it is possible to access the OED online if you are a member of a library that subscribes to it. I have only to enter my user card number and it’s available anytime…

  9. Further to Nicholas’s post, most UK public libraries are OED subscribers. I can’t express how happy I was when I found out about that.

  10. My library’s proxy has not been updated to the new site yet. So this is welcome while they work that out.

  11. Thank you so much for posting that information!
    This ist great! And yes: “Too bad it’s $300 a year.”

  12. Language, did you finish your Iranian oppgave yet?

  13. I’m guessing the answer to AJP’s last question is ‘no’. Poor hat, must be one tough summbich.

  14. Yes! I finally finished it and turned it in Thursday night, and was so worn out I basically lay around all day reading Victor Serge. Thanks for asking!

  15. Now you should have your Christmas holiday.

  16. Graham Asher says

    +1 to Nicholas and Mark about UK public library subscriptions. Mine also gets me into the Dictionary of National Biography, another excellent resource.

  17. mollymooly says

    The old interface allowed you to search by pronunciation; I can’t see how to do that via the new one.

  18. Depending on where you live, you can probably get OED access for free. Just find a public library with an institutional subscription. (Easy to do with Google.) It doesn’t have to be your local library — most will issue cards to any state resident.

  19. The problem is that many of us don’t live in English-speaking countries, and our libraries are less inclined to take out subscriptions to the OED.

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