Bridget Samuels, of the late lamented ilani ilani, has started a new project called, which she describes chez The Tensor (in response to his call for information about language blogs) as “a place where anyone can submit, comment on, and vote for linguistics-related news stories, sort of like Digg for linguists.” If that sounds like a good idea to you, go on over and register; then
When you come across a cool linguistic story, go to and submit the link along with a brief description using the ‘Submit a story’ button on the sidebar… Each story can only go into one basic category. Right now there are categories for animal [communication] & [language] evolution, general linguistics, historical, morphology, phonology, semantics, sociolinguistics, and syntax.
I join her in hoping becomes a useful resource for the linguistics community.
Thanks for the publicity! (BTW, the only thing that requires registration is submitting stories. You can still read, vote, & comment anonymously.)