
Nupepa is:

Another place to talk about Hawaiian-Language Newspapers! Please note that these are not translations, but if anything they are just works in progress. Hopefully the English gets across the overall intent of the articles. Please comment if you come across misreads or anything else you think is important!

It’s lots of fun if you enjoy Hawaiian and/or old newspapers, and the comments are interesting too; this marriage announcement from 1913 got a response “Thank you for putting this up. Oscar Opiopio Apana was my grandfather’s (Frank L. Apana) brother.”


  1. I can’t believe this is still an orphan post!

    Nupepa is a wonderful site. I looked around it again today. There are several stories from the terrible days of leprosy, when people were fugitives from the law if they had contracted or were suspected of having contracted their disease. By law they were to be arrested and shipped to the leper colony in Kalaupāpā for the rest of their lives. There’s an account of the bombing of Hiroshima—I didn’t know that Hawai‘ian language press still existed then.

    Beyond these shorter pieces, Hawai‘ian newspapers, especially in the 19th century, published some book-length works in installments, including the works of Kamakau, Malo, Papa ‘Ī‘ī, Kepelino and others, which are as fundamental to Hawai‘ian written history and ethnography as Livy and Tacitus are to those of Rome. There is much yet to be transcribed and translated from these newspapers.

    One great force in bringing these materials to light again is Puakea Nogelmeier, a great scholar of Hawai‘ian. This interview with him (in two parts) is long, and non-stop fascinating.

  2. Thanks for commenting on this poor lonely post — I felt bad for it. And I’m glad to know about those book-length works; what a great resource!

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