Via this MetaFilter thread, the latest quarterly update of the Oxford English Dictionary is now available. First comes the range of entries must-necessity; if you scroll down below that list, you get the new subordinate entries, the out-of-sequence new entries “from across the alphabet” (includes 0800 number, Amandebele, bazillion, bitch-slap, Brigadoon, and everybody’s favorite buggeration, just to sample the first two letters; it ends wonga, yapunyah, Zorb, zorbing), out-of-sequence subordinate entries, and finally new meanings for old words. I’d just like to express my abject worship of the OED, in case I haven’t yet. It goes from strength to strength. (Of course, in the beginning Oxford was reluctant to spend a shilling on it, but we’ll let bygones be bygones until the next time they do something to seriously annoy me.)
Some mighty fine lexicography going on there, yessiree.
here, link via Junius, is John Simpson, chief editor of the OED, picking his favorites.