I got this welcome news in the Slavica Newsletter:
In honor of Slavica’s 50th anniversary (1966-2016), we present the first in a series of reprints of notable titles published by Slavica but now long out of print. We are restoring these titles to print and making them available free of charge in .pdf format on our website, slavica.indiana.edu. Enjoy these books, tell your friends, and feel free to share them with colleagues and students.
Here, we offer Charles E. Gribble’s definitive Medieval Slavic Texts, Volume 1, a collection of medieval texts reprinted for students of Slavic philology and representing a wide range of genres, language variants, and orthographic systems. Our sincere thanks to Gribble, co-founder and long-time owner of Slavica, for granting permission for this reprint.
Medieval Slavic Texts, Volume 1, Charles E. Gribble, ed. 320 p., 1973 (978-0-89357-010-0).
What a great thing to do! I’ve already downloaded the book, and I add my thanks to Gribble and to Slavica.
Slavica is now adding these to the free-for-download list:
Common Slavic: Progress and Problems in its Reconstruction, Henrik Birnbaum. xii+ 436p., reprint 1979 (0-89357-053-2).
Recent Advances in the Reconstruction of Common Slavic (1971-1982), Henrik Birnbaum and Peter T. Merrill. xi + 141p., 1985 (0-89357-116-4).