Some kind and anonymous reader has sent me a copy of The Early Slavs : Culture and Society in Early Medieval Eastern Europe, by P.M. Barford, via the Amazon wish-list link. I can’t even remember where I found out about it (Renee’s long-gone and much-lamented blog?), but it looks great (lots of maps!) and I’m really looking forward to plunging in. So thanks, kind anonymous person!
So much for those who think that Slavs always turn up late.
Erm. Just had a look at the wishlist. Do you realise that all books are rated at medium priority? I’m wondering whether marking a few books as high priority might encourage people to take the plunge.
Hat’s wishlist is very reasonable. Most of the books I put on my wishlist are books I can’t afford, so the median price is about $60. I go to it whenever I get a windfall. Most recently I got Biran’s book on the Qarakitai, and next will be the Rasulid Hexaglot.
Thank you, dearieme. I wish I’d thought of that.
So much for those who think that Slavs always turn up late.
Then again, some of us do like to stay up late and get up late.
You don’t need to be a Slav to do that.
Do you realise that all books are rated at medium priority?
Hmm. Guess I should do something about that. Thanks!