A fantastic Archive of Turkish Oral Narrative from the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library at Texas Tech University, courtesy of Renee. There are Narratives, Music, Epics (Alpamysh, Dede Korkut, Manas, you name it), and much more, mostly in pdf or mp3 files. Enjoy.
This is really a treasure trove. They’ve also scanned a number of great 19th century/early 20th century books – including Russian translations and transcriptions of Kazakh and Kyrgyz folktales, a Cagatay dictionary and early Russian and German anthropological and folklore studies of Central Asia.
I’m glad somebody finally appreciated it!
I just found it. After years of thinking about it, I’m finally getting around to studying Turkish. I wish this sort of thing had been available in the early 90s back when I was trying to learn Kazakh, even in Kazakhstan it was difficult finding any decent material.
[Posted by Vanya at February 1, 2006 05:09 PM; accidentally deleted by LH in September and restored from cache.]
Эпическая битва
Китай и Кыргызстан сражаются за «Манас» уже больше десятка лет. Пока почти на равных
(based on this paper:)
Claiming heritage: the Manas epic between China and Kyrgyzstan
In this article I argue that the renewed promotion of the Manas epic in Kyrgyzstan after 2010 should not be reduced to an attempt to consolidate a national identity or strengthen the state by endorsing ethno-nationalism. Instead, since the 2009 inscription of the Manas epic on the UNESCO List of Intangible Heritage by China, Kyrgyzstan has undertaken a full-scale heritagization not only of the Manas epic but also of its other tangible or intangible cultural assets. This heritagization has been shaped by an anxiety that Kyrgyzstan’s most valuable cultural asset might be appropriated by China. By shifting the focus from Manas as a potential national role model to the epic as national heritage, I suggest that Kyrgyzstan’s latest outburst of ‘Manasification’ is better understood as an attempt to resist China’s ongoing attempts to harness the heritage discourse in rewriting the cultural and historical narrative of Eurasia.
I confess I do not see the difference between consolidating a national identity and full-scale heritagization [sic] of cultural assets. Why not just say “it’s an attempt to resist China” and skip the gobbledygook?