This is a great site:
Emily Dickinson Archive makes high-resolution images of Dickinson’s surviving manuscripts available in open access, and provides readers with a website through which they can view images of manuscripts held in multiple libraries and archives. This first phase of the EDA includes images for the corpus of poems identified in The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Variorum Edition, edited by R. W. Franklin (Cambridge: Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, 1998).
I don’t know what I can add to that; if you’re a Dickinson fan, you’ve wanted something like this for a long time. If I weren’t editing a bear of a job, I’d be spending a lot of time there. (Via MetaFilter, where you will find more links.)
Hurrah, what a great source, thank you.
Glad you like it, and I’m glad to have found your site!
And a reminder to new Dickinson fans: the best book about her is still the one written by my old friend Richard Sewall, may his soul rest in peace. That man was an angel.
So honored to have you stop by! I come here to glean all sorts of gems.
And now: a new book for my Want To Read List, the one mentioned above. Thanks.