Marcin Wichary featured here a decade ago in a post on the pilcrow; now I’m happy to present his The hardest working font in Manhattan. It begins:
In 2007, on my first trip to New York City, I grabbed a brand-new DSLR camera and photographed all the fonts I was supposed to love. I admired American Typewriter in all of the I <3 NYC logos, watched Akzidenz Grotesk and Helvetica fighting over the subway signs, and even caught an occasional appearance of the flawlessly-named Gotham, still a year before it skyrocketed in popularity via Barack Obama’s first campaign.
But there was one font I didn’t even notice, even though it was everywhere around me.
Last year in New York, I walked over 100 miles and took thousands of photos of one and one font only.
The font’s name is Gorton.
If you care anything about fonts, urban history, or, hell, good writing, I urge you to devour the whole thing and enjoy the splendid collection of images. I really should read him more often…
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