I wrote about the death of poet and publisher Jonathan Williams here; now Jeffery Beam and Richard Owens have put together a wonderful tribute at Jacket Magazine, with contributions from the quick and the dead. Among the latter, the equally irreplaceable Basil Bunting (“There is always some disc humming at Corn Close, with the typewriter tapping out a descant, unless Jonathan is tramping the fells, treading out tracks on the Howgills, where you must watch your step in a fog because of the crags. Half the farmers know him and all the barmaids”); among the former, poet Ann McGarrell, with “À mon cher Stodge” (“Bloodroot and grosbeaks/ starry blooms,/ shy lipstick lumage/ so tame one comes to your hand…”). I recommend it to you with the greatest enthusiasm, and suggest you begin with the introductory essay by Beam and Owens. Well done, lads.


  1. Thanks for this link – a most epicurative of elegadfliac diversions.

  2. Monzurs Blog
    [I’m leaving this because it’s rare to see a spammer so incompetent they can’t even link the site they’re spamming for. -LH]

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