Another example of what an amazing world we’re living in and how great the internet is, via Slavic Studies Librarianship:
RUNIVERSE portal now allows its reader to download and read the full-text of Russian historical journal “Russkii Arkhiv.” This journal was published from 1863 until 1917. The issues of this journal can be read as these are in either PDF or DejaVu formats. The journal’s bibliographic record can be accessed here.
Thanks, peacay!
Addendum. Anatoly has followed up on this and noted that the site also has the third edition of Dahl, edited and expanded by Baudouin de Courtenay and infinitely better than the previous editions (alas, the Soviets refused to reprint it because it included obscene words). He also discovered in the course of his investigations that the dictionary site is once again freely available. What a wonderful world!
Dear Steve Dodson,
I’ve been trying for some months to get in touch with you. You cited some of my work a year or so back. Probably something re Nabokov.
Can you send me an e-mail adresss that works?
Thank you