Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages.

Matt at No-sword posts about a wonderful site:

The Charles Darwin University Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages is “a digital archive of endangered literature in Indigenous languages of the Northern Territory”. This site is amazing; I’m sure that pretty much everyone reading this will understand the appeal of a giant headline reading “Click on the map to start looking at books.”

You can also browse by language, author, or just title. For example, there are 69 books in Gupapuyŋu, a Dhuwal dialect of Yolŋu. […] Or there are 101 books in Kriol, such as the truly great Bigibigi Ekting Ebriweya (“Pigs Acting (Like People) Everywhere”).

I wish a hundred sites like this would bloom! But in googling to make sure I hadn’t already posted this (a feat of forgetting that grows likelier every year), I found a decade-old post about the Archive of Indigenous Languages of Latin America, so there’s that as well.


  1. unrelated, but thought you might find this interesting:

  2. I do indeed; “the fascinating question of whether a trademark should count if it originates in a foreign language” is well worth pondering, and for what it’s worth I agree with Feldman’s conclusion:

    Who would do the best job of determining whether consumers would or wouldn’t recognize a trademark as indistinguishable? Not a judge, who might be caught up in formalism and worry that only the English words should matter. A jury would have the common sense to recognize, as the Los Angeles jury did, that the ads were aimed at Korean speakers. When it comes to trademark law, the technicality should matter much less than the intuitive sense of 12 men and women. After all, they’re all consumers themselves.

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