In the nature
of flesh, these clown gods
are words, blown
in the winters, thou
windows, lacking
In the nature,
of ideas, in the nature of
words, these
clown gods are
winter. Are blown
thru our windows.
The flesh
& bone
of the season. Each
dead thing
across the pavement. Each
dead word
in a winter wind. Are
in the nature
of flesh. These
liars, clown
–Amiri Baraka (from Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note)
(I’m a bit under the weather, and the weather’s lousy.)
The only hit on amazon for “twenty volume suicide note” is a book by Le Roi Jones bearing the title you give, and the only hit on Knox’s library search engine is a book by the author you give, Imamu Amiri Baraka, same title, same publisher, same year. Care to fill in the uninformed?
Also, I found this New York Review of Books piece, which makes it seem like LeRoi Jones is a pretty interesting poet:
Oh, same person it seems. Sorry.
Yeah, same person, and a good poet by any name. But he gave up the name Le Roi Jones as Muhammad Ali gave up the name Cassius Clay, and I respect both choices. Don’t apologize; it’s a perfectly reasonable question!
Yes, the man has written some incredibly dumb things. He’s still a good poet. Go figure.
Uh, whicha way to Japan?