Andrew Krug, responding to my recent (and not very serious) query about Ladino blogs, has come up with the next best thing: a Ladino newspaper online. Well, actually a newspaper for the Sephardic community of Turkey, mainly in Turkish, but with a column in Ladino (in Latin characters). Thanks, Andrew!

(Other Ladino links here, and see my entry on Sefarad.)


  1. Great find, Steve. Here’s a page I came across a while back. It’s a story by Arthur Benveniste about his speaking Ladino in a beginning Spanish class. One level up his site has some other interesting information.

  2. Thanks! I’d love to get this dictionary he links to.

  3. I had experience like arthur beneviste – but the reverse. I took Spanish at Bronx H.S. of Science (1938-1941) My teacher – when he found out I knew Hebrew got me interested in the sefardic tradition and Ladino – I even read LA VARA – how can I get it On-Line ??Email or call 818-881-0041

  4. PlasticPaddy says
    This seems to have started after the original post, but there are archive links at the above link.

  5. Great, thanks!

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