Language Documentation & Conservation is “a fully refereed, open-access journal sponsored by the National Foreign Language Resource Center and published exclusively in electronic form by the University of Hawai‘i Press”:

LD&C publishes papers on all topics related to language documentation and conservation, including, but not limited to, the goals of language documentation, data management, fieldwork methods, ethical issues, orthography design, reference grammar design, lexicography, methods of assessing ethnolinguistic vitality, archiving matters, language planning, areal survey reports, short field reports on endangered or underdocumented languages, reports on language maintenance, preservation, and revitalization efforts, plus software, hardware, and book reviews.

Sounds like a very worthy project; you can see a list of articles from their inaugural issue at Far Outliers, where I got the link.


  1. Is it just me or is the website timing out for everyone else? I can’t reach at all.

  2. It was working yesterday from UHM campus, but today from my house in Honolulu it’s not. The rest of the university is up just fine today, so it’s their website and not the Interwebs that is broken.

  3. Thank you for your interest in the journal, and we are sorry for the inconvenience. It was due to a scheduled power outage in the building. The server is back now.

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