In the words of their About page:
Based on the work of the DFG-Research Group 963 – “Manuscript Cultures in Asia and Afrika” (2008-2011) the Centre for the Studies of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) is engaged in fundamental research, investigating from both a historical and comparative perspective, based on material artifacts, the empirical diversity of manuscript cultures. It will establish a new paradigm that is distinct from the research on manuscripts undertaken until now, which has been limited in its approach by region and discipline. On one hand, the cultural dependency of what has usually been considered given will particularly be brought into question, and on the other hand, universal categories and characteristics of manuscript cultures will be delineated, as one possible result of the comparative research.
Their manuscript of the month section, as the reader who sent me the link says, is “unfortunately on hiatus, but full of gems.” Thanks, Yoram!
Another manuscript site is Middle Eastern Manuscript Traditions (MEMaT), “a multidisciplinary project which aims at studying various aspects of manuscript production, utilization, and transmission history.” There’s a list of publications in the right margin.
Rohonc Codex settles it.
There was apparently a flourishing trade in producing mysterious looking manuscripts in invented scripts and non-existing languages (presumably for sale to gullible collectors) in 19th century Central Europe.
I wonder how many more are out there.
My favorite title from the CSMC site is Yu Boya smashes his zither to mourn a dear friend.