I made the mistake of dropping by the Donnell Branch of the NYPL on my lunch hour, where I found five Russian books I couldn’t resist in the sale bin. (The Donnell has the biggest foreign-language collection in the city, and they’ve been selling off chunks of it for years, presumably to make room for new books; I regret the depletion of the collection, but I’ve gotten a lot of good books for almost no money.) I got Arkadii Averchenko‘s Salat iz bulavok (Pin salad, a collection of short stories from the ’20s: sample in translation here), Mark Aldanov‘s Portrety (Portraits) (a collection of historico-biographical essays from the ’20s and ’30s), Kornei Chukovsky‘s book on the Russian language Zhivoi kak zhizn’ (Alive as life), Andrei Voznesensky‘s Antimiry (Antiworlds), and the journalist Feliks Medvedev’s 1992 collection of interviews with famous Russians (including Iosif Brodskii, Sasha Sokolov, Nina Berberova, and Andrei Sinyavskii) Posle Rossii (After Russia). All of this for a grand total of $1.60.
Wow. That is some good booty.
(A surge of bitterness at “Antimiry” – why oh why was I born too late to see it performed on Taganka??)
All righ, Mr. Hat, I’ll change my mind. For a combo Aldanov+Chukovsky (even for $2!) I’ll go to the sale bin. I can always pay $30 a day for storage of all my book boxes, right?