The OEDILF project of defining all English words by means of limericks (see my earlier entry) has moved to its own domain,, as announced by its creator, Chris J. Strolin, in a comment on this thread; Strolin adds:
Any and all lovers of the English language are welcomed to check out our new site particularly if your name is choatime, Clankus Maximus, Don Levey, Elizabeth, evinrude, fiercecupcake, Giles, Hazelsinger, Hilary Ann, indigofaerie, JB Segal, Karner Blue, LadyBeth, LizH, markmywords48, mechaieh, murlach, musik, Peter Sheil, q, Robot Johnny, slabgorb, or Valrus. All these individuals either posted limericks or otherwise expressed interest in our project while we were on the Wordcraft site and we’ve since lost contact with them. Wordcraft PMs went out with no luck. Posting limericks over there, technically, gave us the OK to use them on but I’d really like to do this up right and get them register.
So sharpen your Nantucket quills and join in the fun.
Chris Strolin of says your email address is no longer valid, and he would like to find a new email address for
Can you get on and tell him, or write him at
Are you sure you’re on the right website? My e-mail address is valid, and I have no idea who or what indigofaerie might be.
Wow, 15+ years this post waited for its first comment. And got one that looks like spam.
Limerick-definition site is still running and says “Current estimated date of completion of The OEDILF is 3 Nov 2063.” This is well past my actuarial demise date. Most of the entries have the defined words (there are usually several per limerick) in them. That’s no fun. But I found one that doesn’t
Consider this word (meaning “chill”)
With two syllables; add, if you will,
Two more letters and, wow,
It’s one syllable now
And a word for a scourge that can kill.