The Online Sanskrit Dictionary “cannot be a substitute for a good printed Sanskrit-English dictionary. However, we anticipate this to aid a student of Sanskrit in the on-line world.” I can’t vouch for its accuracy (and the quality of the English in the introduction doesn’t inspire confidence), but it’s a handy quick reference. (Via Incoming Signals.)
You know, don’t you, that Monier Monier-Williams’ Sanskrit-English dictionary is on-line at the University of Köln:
The Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
— xiaolongnu, HTML rookie, but feeling pretty smug about that umlaut
I knew M-W was online, but it’s sometimes nice to have a straightforward alphabetical list rather than having to use a search box. Well done with the umlaut!
The list is very suspect. Random search shows a lot of the translations are taken from infamous “Bhagavad-Gita As It Is”, as an example you can check
prasaade = on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord
Googling the “achievement of the causeless mercy”, you get straight to their source
P.S. I don’t use email at all, so I had to lie to post this comment…
Oh dear. Sounds worse than I suspected. Ah well, back to M-W! (And don’t worry about the e-mail box; you don’t have to put anything in. Or a website either, for that matter; I used to get comments from an “a” who had neither. I miss him/her — they were uniformly good comments.)
I wish _I_ could type an umlaut …
You too can umlaut! Just type an ampersand, then Vuml (where V = the vowel you want), then finish off with a semicolon, and voilà — ümlaut! (For the grave accent, as in voilà, use Vgrave; for acute, Vacute.)
Recently someone pointed me toward a prettier and browsable version of the Cologne database of MW at
Thanks, that’s great! Here‘s the direct link. I’ll add it to my list of language resources in the right column.
I can’t help it; I am compelled by inner demons to take advantage of your comments page to see if the HTML ampersand-semicolon codes really work. How about, um, the singular and plural nominative forms for the Finnish word for “girl”?
Holy cow! It wörks!