Sashura sent me a link to this NYT obituary by Margalit Fox of Sol Steinmetz, “a lexicographer, author and tenured member of Olbom (n., abbrev., < On Language’s Board of Octogenarian Mentors)”; Ms. Fox lards the obit with as many word histories (“his surname is the Yiddish word for stonemason”) as she can, and I’m sure its subject would have loved it. An excerpt:

An ordained rabbi, Mr. Steinmetz was a particular authority on Yiddish, in all its kvetchy beauty. His books on the subject include “Yiddish and English: A Century of Yiddish in America” (University of Alabama, 1986) and “Meshuggenary: Celebrating the World of Yiddish” (Simon & Schuster, 2002; with Payson R. Stevens and Charles M. Levine).
Mr. Steinmetz was a keen etymologist. In interviews and his own writings, he expounded ardently on the pedigrees of words like “klutz” (from Middle High German klotz, “block, log,” via Yiddish) and “clone” (from the Greek klon, “twig”), which entered English as a noun in 1903.
He was also a master of the first citation, scouring centuries of literature and decades of the airwaves to determine precisely when a particular word or phrase made its debut. “Suit,” in the sense of a bureaucrat, for instance, he traced to the television show “Cagney and Lacey” in 1982.

Before he became a lexicographer in the late 1950s, he worked as a cantor (he “had a fine tenor voice”) and as a rabbi (in Media, Pa.); the obit ends with this wonderful passage: “‘He never had a bad word to say about anyone,’ said Jesse Sheidlower, the editor at large of the Oxford English Dictionary and a former protégé. ‘And he knew a lot of bad words.'” Alevasholem.
Addendum. Z. D. Smith has sent me a link to this Log post announcing the death of the linguist and Yiddishist Ellen F. Prince; he left the first comment on that post, talking about her “combination of erudition and communicative humanity on nearly every topic.”


  1. ‘ In interviews and his own writings, he expounded ardently on the pedigrees of words like “klutz” (from Middle High German klotz, “block, log,” via Yiddish)”
    Thisd one may or not have come into Englsih via Yiddish; if the man says so, I’ll take his word for now, bless his memory. But it has to be quite a tangle deciding, given the scope and complexity of German immigration to America, which of a welter of Rheinlader dialects, along with Bavarian and Swiss, and Yiddish for that matter, contributed this or that etymon.

  2. I find myself unable to resist noting that ‘alevasholem’ is a slightly non-standard rendering.

  3. Yes, I know, but I got it from Leo Rosten, and I can’t bring myself to change.

  4. Crikey. Here’s a word for you: lehavdil—as in, Steinmetz, olev-hasholem, ran rings around Rosten, lehavdil!

  5. michael farris says

    ““klutz” (from Middle High German klotz, “block, log,””
    One of the many reasons I’ll never be a historical linguist: I never in a million years would have recognized the relationship between Polish ‘klocek’ (block, brick, turd) and English ‘klutz’ even I ever thought about it and recognized klocek as a probable borrowing from German/Yiddish….

  6. Z.D.: Granted, Rosten could never have written Meshuggenary, though he could have made use of it if he hadn’t been dead for five years already. But then again, Steinmetz could never have written TJoY/HfY/TJoY or H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N, much less Captain Newman, M.D..

  7. I only learned about him from the obituary, but had an instant feeling of strange affinity. Apparently he was bitten by that wonderful bug that makes scholars and poets go to extremes to find the [right] word.

  8. He was also a master of the first citation, scouring centuries of literature and decades of the airwaves to determine precisely when a particular word or phrase made its debut. “Suit,” in the sense of a bureaucrat, for instance, he traced to the television show “Cagney and Lacey” in 1982.

    Sorry, Mr. Steinmetz, but you missed on that one. Steinmetz didn’t have Google, but considering that this slang term originated during his working lifetime, I think he could have done better. Ben Yagoda investigated in 2018, in Lingua Franca (archived):

    … My wife commented that her family used to get a huge bang out of [Robert] Blake’s appearances on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show, especially the way he always addressed Carson as “John” and referred to network executives as “the suits.”

    Naturally, I got to thinking about the origin of that piece of slang, now common to refer to noncreative corporate types. An initial Google search yielded a lot of Blake-suit stuff, including a 1975 interview with People magazine in which he said, “Anyone who doesn’t wear a suit is a friend of mine.” The first metonymic suit I found, using, was in article about a CBS interview with Blake in 1977, in which the actor said that if “the suits” didn’t like the way he was doing Baretta, they could “take me off the air.” That’s two years before the OED’s first citation, from a 1979 novel: “McBride was an exception to the usual ‘suits’ at the Bureau.” Green’s Dictionary of Slang has examples of “gray suits” and “three-piece suits” going back to 1954, but its 1967 suits strikes me as an outlier. So I would credit Robert Blake with, if not originating, then popularizing the term.

    This sense was too recent and too American to make it into the OED’s 1989 edition. I can’t find when they first entered it, but they did a full revision of suit in 2020, and the quotation that Yagoda found is now their earliest citation. In fact — though Yagoda didn’t point this out — this is particularly good evidence since the interviewer thought it needed explanation, demonstrating that it wasn’t yet common:

    He [sc. Robert Blake]..tells [Dan] Rather that if the network ‘suits’ (i.e. executives) don’t like the way he’s doing the show, they can ‘take me off the air’.

    They specifically reject one of Green’s citations, relegating it to square brackets:

    Quot. 1963 shows contextual use of metonymy, rather than evidence for established use in this sense.
    [1963 George turned and took a man in an expensive gray suit by the elbow and guided him toward the grill room. The gray suit looked like he had a lot of money.]
    J. Breslin in New York Herald Tribune 12 June 29/1 ]

    I agree with that judgment. (Green apparently has a formatting error, running together something from a very obscure 1954 Hepster’s Dictionary with the 1963 Breslin quote.)

  9. ktschwarz: … too American

    Those bloody American Suits are stealing their princes!

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