Mamoun Sakkal has an excellent short history of Arabic writing and calligraphy. (Via Eclogues.)
Addendum. Directly below the Arabic link at Eclogues is one to The New and complete manual of Maori conversation : containing phrases and dialogues on a variety of useful and interesting topics : together with a few general rules of grammar : and a comprehensive vocabulary (Wellington, N.Z.: Lyon and Blair, Printers, Lambton Quay, MDCCCLXXXV, Rights Reserved). Sample exchanges:
Here is some good wine
Tênei tetahi waina pai rawa
I am a teetotaller, and do not taste wine
He titotara ahau, e kore ahau e inu i te waina
Are you fond of shooting?
Ka nui tōu pai ki te pupuhi?
Very fond
Nui rawa atu
Wish I could find a diagram of Abul-Aswad’s vocalization system. It sounds interesting.
it needs more aribic letters and senteces
im looking to get my name in arabic writing
either both brittany and stephenson. Can anyone help me?
I am trying to find someone who can help me out. I want to get a tattoo in arabic writing, but I don’t trust the online translators and I dont know anyone who speaks arabic!!!! I wanted to get strenght, hope, peace and love. I have no idea how to go about doing this though!
Both myself and my friend are wanting to get a tattoo of our childrens names in arabic, but the local tattooist does not have arabic lettering and has asked us to get a copy of what we want and he will copy it.
My son’s name is Ben, and my friends son’s name is Jack.
Please can you help?
“Ben” would be “بِن” – just “بن” without vowels.
For “Jack”, I could find the spelling “جك” for Jack Nicholson, and “جاك” for the Robin Williams movie called “Jack”.
I hope this is some help.
In its earliest stages (3rd century B.C.) modern Arabic writing looks similar to Hebrew and Punic (Phoenecian) writing. This is because they all descend from an older form of Semitic writing, called “Aramaic.” As time went on, Arabic script evolved very differently from the other two, and by the Muslim period, several caligraphies were developed for it.
Not that I wish to sound mean, but I think that Mr. Sakkal’s book is a good introductory to Arabic writing and its history only for someone who has no prior knowledge of the subject. However, for me, the author traverses material that I have seen for years in other books on alphabets.
Can anyone tell me how to write ‘arzina’ and ‘precious’ in arabic? thanks
Hi there im looking to see if anyone knows what the name joe looks like in arabic as im having a tattoo and cant find it any where i would be so pleased if anyone can get in touch with me that knows of any arabic thank you
looking to get a tattoo in arabic can anyone help me the name i want is brieanna if anyone can help a would be greatfull nice one
can somebody help and show me what the words ‘ELAOUAD’ and ‘TOUASSI’ look like in calligraphy arabic writing
i am looking for the arabic word and spelling of the “peace” and the hebrew word and spelling of the “peace.”
For hebrew i have שלום
but i can’t find the arabic word yet.
can you help me?
I would like to find a beautiful script of both words in the respective languages…
thank you.
I’m looking just for the word PEACE in arabic and hebrew.
hi all,i wonder if anyone could help me with some arabic,im wanting to know what ‘courage’ is in arabic,hope you can help,cheers…x
Jur’a or jara’a.
i am looking into possibly getting a tattoo in arabic writing, however i want to make sure that i have the correct writing before proceeding with getting the tattoo.
I would like to know what the words, love, compassion, faith and forgiveness look like in arabic script. Thank you.
hello im looking to have a tattoo of my b/fs name in arabic writing, the name is james could anyone help me?ive looked everywhere! many thanks
I need help translating the phrase “when you say nothing at all” to either arabic and/or hebrew.
does anyone know how to spell strength or determination in arabic?
I would like to know the work for Dancer. Im looking at it for a Tattoo
Hi, I was told by an old bearded Tunisian that my surname implies I’m a Sephardic Jew. How would I write it in Arabic script, to allow me to look this up?
*goes mad*
me and my boyfriend were wondering if anyone knew the arabic words for ‘danielle’ and ‘christopher’ please.
OK, that does it. I’m closing comments on this post. I used to try to be amused, but now I’m disgusted.