A good point, from Eduard Fraenkel, Aeschylus, Agamemnon, Vol. II, p. 90, n. 1 (on line 149 ἐχενῇδας):
In all periods poets have the right to restore to a word its ‘original’ meaning, which in daily usage it has entirely or almost entirely lost. Horace, Odes 1.36.20 lascivis hederis ambitiosior provides a good example. The peculiar use in Horace, Odes 4.4.65 of evenit, to which several critics have objected, belongs to the same category; Baiter ad loc. rightly says ‘Horatius saepius ad propriam vocabulorum vim redire ausus est’.
Tradition-minded poets still do this, and it’s a good thing to my mind, keeping the thread of the language unbroken — though of course poetry in the spoken language of its day is also a good thing. (Via Laudator Temporis Acti.)
I don’t understand it, though. What does it mean?
(I do understand “Horace rather often dared to return to the proper force of words”.)
From here: “more tightly than the wandering ivy.”
From here: “more luxuriant than the wanton ivy.”
Note on ambitiosior: “etymologically, clinging and climbing. Cf. Catull. 61. 33, 106; Epode 15. 5. Cf. 4. 4. 65. n.”
Amb-i-tiosus is literally “going around”, but it’s almost never used with the etymological meaning; most often ambitio refers to political canvasing, or more generally to currying favor or flattering.
ἐχενῇδας is literally “ship-detaining” (referring in this case to the winds that kept the Greek from sailing at Aulis), but also meant remora — I don’t have Fraenkel’s commentary, but I’m guessing that’s his point?
Echeneis naucrates.
An example of taking this to extremes is J.H. Prynne, whose work since the 1960s has exploited English words’ etymologies back to Proto-Germanic or Proto-Indo-European just as much as their plain meaning – or their plain meaning plus various now-specialist meanings. Prynne’s poetry would probably appeal to many readers here of a historical-linguistics bent. Surprised that he has never been mentioned on this blog, actually.
I guess I haven’t run across him, but he certainly sounds interesting.
Wow, this Poetry Foundation essay makes him sound right up my alley:
The only one of my favorite English-language poets of the last century who goes unmentioned is Bunting! I’ll have to get one of his books.
An enticing Graun piece by David Wheatley:
“Prynne has published poetry in classical Chinese”!
J.H. Prynne, “Rich in Vitamin C,” followed by a commentary by John Kinsella.
Poeta doctus.
his books have Captain Beefheart-like titles such as Her Weasels Wild Returning
Minor scholastic point, but I would say that is more Zappaesque than Beefheartian
Point taken, but I can see the Captain using it if his fancy so moved him.
Might have made a nice Zapheart collaboration, actually.
The internet now has sites that allow you to search for songs with lyrics include “weasel(s),” although I didn’t find at a quick glance any by the Cap’n. Weird Al Yankovic and Tom Waits and lots of rap dudes, plus Zappa. A decade after the “Ripped My Flesh” era, he rhymed “weasels n lies” with “Roumanian thighs,” in a song some thought in poor taste, if you can imagine such a thing.
Robyn Hitchcock (who has been alleged to be Beefheartian at times) apparently once wrote a song titled “Weasel Turned His Back (on New York City).” Never officially recorded/released and I can’t immediately find either the lyrics or a bootleg recording out there on the internet, although that doesn’t mean they aren’t Out There somewhere.
I wrote on some pages on Prynne among other etymologically minded contemporary poets, in /The Life of Words: Etymology and Modern Poetry/ (https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-life-of-words-9780198812470). Prynne has an unusually sophisticated sense of etymology among his peers (which doesn’t always translate well into the poetry and lit. crit., or sez me anyway, though there are some super interesting experiments there).
In the letters to Olson that Prynne mentions the just-published Pokorny sitting “on my shelf like a bomb, ready to explode at a touch with the most intricately powerful forces caged up inside, a storehouse of vectors.”
oh and here’s a longish lecture of his on “Mental Ears and Poetic Work”, to make of what you will: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjM8SruqTdo
Joyce, in Stephen Hero, has Stephen “read Skeat’s Etymological Dictionary by the hour”, and that’s generally taken to be true of Joyce himself: there’s lots written about how Stephen’s meditations on words such as “ivory” in Portrait or “cancer” in Ulysses are indebted to Skeat.
an almost mythic quality of luminous opacity to the writing
Sounds like Dylan Thomas, not that I have read a word of Prynne or very much Thomas either. But, y’know, I have an imagination, and it imagines me something like this:
now it comes back to me
what it can possibly be
where it can possibly come from
all is silent here and the walls thick
I manage, without feeling an ear on me
or a head, or a body, or a soul
how I manage to do what, how I manage
it’s not clear, dear dear, you say it’s not clear
something is wanting to make it clear
I’ll seek what is wanting to make everything clear
I’m always seeking something
it’s tiring in the end and it’s only the beginning
how I manage under such conditions
to do what I’m doing, what am I doing
I must find out what I’m doing
tell me what you’re doing
I’ll ask you how it’s possible
I hear, you say I hear, and that I seek
it’s a lie, I seek nothing, nothing any more
Or perhaps this:
You notice it in that rereway
because the male entail
partially eclipses the feme covert.
You heard the story about Helius Croesus
that white and gold elephant
in our zoo park? You astonish me by it.
Is it not that we are commanding
from fullback, woman permitting,
a profusely fine birds-eye view
from behind this park? His park has been much
the admiration of all the stranger ones,
greekish and romanos, who arrive here.
The straight road down the centre bisects the park
the largest of its kind in the world.
But, alas! Modernism is dead, killed by Philip “Sparowe” Larkin.
I was given Prynne’s The White Stones for Christmas and I’m loving it — many thanks to Christopher Culver for the heads-up!
Glad you’re liking The White Stones. Don’t draw too firm conclusions on Prynne’s poetry from it, though. With each new collection of his career from that point on, he reinvented himself (while always remaining modernist and intractable). I personally feel that his work hit its stride just after The White Stones, when he shook off the imitation of Charles Olson and the lecturing tone that occasional pops up in those poems. If you don’t want to get the complete 2015 Poems, which is a daunting doorstop of a book, the recent Bloodaxe Books annotated edition (ISBN 9781780371269) of his 1983 poem The Oval Window is a convenient place to go next.