Well, since my last anniversary post, the country list has almost doubled, now standing at around 120 (I may have mistakenly included a territory or two, but then I may have missed a name or two); hello Cambodia, Albania, Libya, and all the other far-flung dens of LH readers! A year ago France was the non-English-speaking country that turned up most frequently in the logs, but it’s been overtaken by the Netherlands, Japan, Germany, and Sweden, with Poland hot on its heels. As always, I thank all those who read and comment on my entries; without the feedback, maintaining the blog would not be nearly as rewarding. In that connection I direct any readers who may have missed it to my entry Contacting Languagehat, and I emphasize you need not leave an e-mail address or any other personal information (aa, come back!). It’s been a tremendous amount of fun (and educational to boot), and I hope to keep it up for a long time to come.
A great learning experience as well as entertaining–here’s to many more years of sharing knowledge and experience. Thank you, and congratulations!
This site has been my treat for the friday afternoon, when work is nearly finished & I can use the computer at work for some fun, for more than a year now. Keep up the good work & keep me delighted with lots and lots of stuff that has me mulling over it weekend after weekend!
Long live the King – as long as he has the subjects to applaud…
Happy blogiversary. Language Hat is one of my first reads each morning when I get up. There is always something interesting to read, even if I don’t comment much.
Congratulations – always a good read.
I want to know more about the continent of Unknown.
*uncorks champagne*
Congrats. Now let’s see if mine can last as long — just started.
If I had a hat I’d raise it,
If I had a glass, that too.
In lieu of both a Diet Coke
I lift aloft to you.
Congratulations, lh.
Aww, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Blogday! whatever. You are a real shining spot in the blog firmament, and don’t you forget it.
Happy Anniversary! Congratulazioni! Continua così!
Happy birthday, languagehat.com!
Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji rocznicy dwuletniej życzę panu Hatowi … ja
…panu Hatowi?
reminds me of “Z Nowego Yorku”(sp?)…
Congratulations! Felicitations! Happiness! Long Live Language Hat!
…panu Hatowi?
reminds me of “Z Nowego Yorku”(sp?)…
z Nowego Jorku (which has a mer and not a prezydent as do Polish cities)
I was pretty nervous about the Panu Hatowi myself. I’m glad someone else noticed.
Congrats and many happy returns.
Congrats and many happy returns.
Feliz aniversário, Chapéu de Linguas!
Feliz aniversario, Sombrero de Lenguas!
Bon anniversaire, Chapeau de Langues!
Buon anniversario, Cappello di Lingue!
Dear Languagehat,
herzliche Glückwünsche zu deinem zweijährigen Blog-Jubliäum! Alle paar Tage besuche ich dein Blog und bin jedesmal begeistert über die Fülle von Anregungen. Eine wahre Schatztruhe für Sprachliebhaber, mach weiter so!
Just one remark: unfortunately I haven’t been able to access your main page for the last two days, just the archives.. ??
איך ווינטש אײַך און אײַער חשובֿן בלאָג געזונט, שאַפֿערישקייט און אַריכות־ימים! ביז הונדערט צוואַנציק בלאָגיאָר! אָמן ואָמן!
Only two years old? How come you are so wise? Many happy returns!
*joins in*
S dnem rozhdeniya!
Happy blogversary!
Cheers and props and mazel tovs to the best language-related site on the Internet, in all the ways that matter: accurate, diverse, worldly, friendly, free, and open for commenting.
A poem for you, written in under 60 seconds and with the usual disregard for prosody:
A horse’s cant is rarer than its canter
It tends to nip and neigh instead of banter
When discussing tracks and jockeys
It’s like it’s drunk on sakes
Rubber lips spill little but hoarse horse-hockey.
I just got to this post via JC’s random link, and when I clicked on “country list” I discovered to my amazed delight that Extreme Tracking is still tracking! If I counted correctly, I’ve now had visitors from 205 countries.
Also, 227 people have been referred to LH via Askjeeves over the years.