Via wood s lot, Garth Kemerling’s Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names:

This is a concise guide to technical terms and personal names often encountered in the study of philosophy. What you will find here naturally reflects my own philosophical interests and convictions, but everything is meant to be clear, accurate, and fair, a reliable source of information on Western philosophy for a broad audience… Although the entries are often brief, many include links to electronic texts and to more detailed discussions on this site or in other on-line resources…

A sample entry, for aporia:

Greek term for a difficulty or puzzle (literally, “with no pathway”). Aristotle commonly used this term to signify a group of individually plausible but collectively inconsistent statements. The reconciliation of such statements by considering alternative solutions, he supposed, is the chief business of philosophy.
Also see PP.


  1. I just wanted to commend you on your blog and your love of languages. I am particularly impressed by the photo of your bookcase (however, mine is bigger – does size really matter?). I always enjoy meeting people whose lives revolve around languages.

  2. Thank you! I must, however, point out (since we’re comparing) that behind each book you can see is another book hidden behind it, so that bookcase is the functional equivalent of two. Still in the running?

  3. Well, if we’re going to count not only books that are stored in 23 boxes in my living room now, but those at least 25 lost by the post office while crossing the ocean from Russia to US (not all linguistics, I give you that) and all those piling up on the floor in the bedroom…
    But – who’s counting?

  4. Bookshelves are for weenies. Books should be piled in piles on the floor sorted according to projects.

  5. Last time we moved, we mailed 70-some boxes of books. “This is getting out of control,” we said. We resolved to go through our books and weed them out. Once settled and reshelved, I went conscientiously through our books and found — exactly one that I was willing to part with. I came downstairs and showed it to my wife. “I can do without this,” I said.
    “That’s *mine*!” she said, indignantly.
    I guess our heirs and assigns will be doing the weeding out.

  6. Heh. You are all my kind of people.

  7. Still in the running (and I did not lose any of my gazillion boxes in my last move (Toronto to Calgary) – thank God! I just love my books 🙂

  8. Ha! Rank amateurs, the lot of you.
    I make use of the services of the New York public library, the Metropolitan Museum of Art library and the Columbia University libraries. By my last count, that translates into a few million boxes of books.
    “Aporia”, what an excellent name for a blog that would be.

  9. I did sell some books about twenty years ago when I was putting stuff in storage. “I’ll never study Japanese! Why should I keep this rare Japanese-English Dictionary of the Manyoshu?”
    I still miss those books. I could probably name half of them.
    Yeah, I was probably drunk.

  10. Lars Mathiesen says

    I found where the picture of the bookshelf is supposed to be. But it isn’t. Never delete things from your uploads, you don’t know what links to them!

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