Remember Muireann Maguire’s Gothic anthology Red Spectres, which I reviewed back in April? Well, there’s an interview with her on the Voice of Russia radio program Russian BookWorld which I heartily recommend; their interviews are almost a half-hour long, which gives time to really explore a topic. Maguire knows her subject and has a gift for nifty summaries—she calls Gothic “a literature of transgression and distortion”—and Konstantin Boulich is a fine interviewer. Also, she mentions Lermontov’s story “Штосс” [Shtoss (the name of a card game)], which I’d never heard of and look forward to reading.

I should also mention that Russian BookWorld seems to be in trouble; the management of Voice of Russia is apparently thinking of shutting it down. That would be a shame. They’ve recently had shows on Tolstoy on War: Narrative Art and Historical Truth in War and Peace and Happy Moscow by Andrey Platonov and An Armenian Sketchbook by Vasily Grossman, and they’re currently doing a multipart series on New Russian Drama. Go to their website and check it out, and if you think it’s worth supporting, you could send an e-mail to the program editor Elena Rubinova ( ) and/or the host Konstantin Boulich ( ).


  1. Don’t ask me why it says “Continue reading” when there’s no more to read. I just work here.

  2. You added a blank line to the bottom of the post, which caused the translation to HTML to add “<p><br /></p>”, an empty paragraph, to the end. You can confirm this by doing “View Source” on this page. The algorithm that detects that a post is too long to fit on the home page doesn’t notice that the part it’s omitting is content-free. Rigid Internal Codes Entirely Rule Computers And Robots.

  3. which I’d never heard of
    Came up here last month.

  4. Sigh. So it did.

  5. You added a blank line to the bottom of the post
    But then why can’t I see it or eliminate it when I go to the MT “Edit Entry” page for the post?

  6. she is good, thanks for posting this.

  7. I don’t know anything about the MT author interface. Can you edit the HTML itself?

  8. I don’t see any HTML other than what I put there.

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