One of the highlights of each season for me is the quarterly unveiling of a new range of updated entries in the OED. As of tomorrow they are putting online The curious vocabulary of English between proter and purposive; the essay I just linked begins with the antedating of psychosomatic with a Coleridge citation (1830 S. T. Coleridge Shorter Wks. & Fragm. (1995) II. ii. 1444 Hope and Fear.. have slipt out their collars, and no longer run in couples.. from the Kennel of my Psycho-somatic Ology) and a fascinating excursus on Coleridge (“credited with the first use of over 600 words, often of a rather scholarly or rarefied character”) and Beckett, who “is still credited by the OED with the first recorded use of several other words (athambia, nucleant, panpygoptosis, plutolater, plutomanic, prostisciutto, pugnozzle, vermigrade, wantum, wardee, and zeep).” Also, there’s the exciting news (which I apparently overlooked last time around) that they’re now incorporating changes suggested by users into already updated entries; I’ve never understood their approach of treating online entries as set in stone (which seems to contradict the very nature of the internet), and I’m glad they’re changing their approach. Forward… into the past!
It’s not clear to me why ‘prostisciutto’ merits inclusion in the OED; it was a silly portmanteau coined for B’s early poem ‘Whoroscope’. If we include that, why not comb Finnegans Wake? The ‘nonce-word’ boundary seems very fuzzy.
Conrad, OED also has a policy of not taking a word out once included. The may deprecate it with various explanatory notes, but it will still be in there. Newer standards are more restrictive than they were in the early days and nonce words found since then simply won’t be included.
incorporating changes suggested by users into already updated entries
Getting something deleted isn’t as exciting as getting something added, but the note added in the June potato update that was based on a [Victorian] misreading of betatas as botatas is being taken out of the online version.
I guess a plutolater is a would-be plutocrat? Someone who prays to Plutus, the god of wealth?
David, OED has for plutolater only this: One who worships wealth, linked to plutolatry (worship of wealth). So not necessarily a would-be plutocrat. (A plutocrat later? Ha ha.)
I suppose the policy of retaining a word once it is included is sound because occurrence in any edition of the OED – a work central to the “canon” – is itself a notable occurrence warranting a continued record. Perhaps the OED should in some cases explicitly give its own earlier editions as sources.
Now, I used to know which word it is that Thomas Hardy had used, and later sought to check in the New English Dictionary, only to find that his own use was given as the only authority for the word. (That must have put him off his furmity!) Does anyone recall what that word is?
A philosopher I know wrote to the OED folk asking that the noun essent be included, since it occurred in one translation of Heidegger’s monograph Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik (for the term Seinend). I thought that was going too far.
Das Seiende? The being (participle, not noun — that which is being)? Was it really necessary to introduce “essent”, or would “that which is”/”all that is” have been enough?
O my God, I misspelt it. I meant Seiend, not Seinend, which is of course an absurdity. But should this word be capitalised? If it functions as a noun, yes: normally. But I haven’t consulted Heidegger’s texts, and he may work idiosyncratically. Was I right in picking out seiend as opposed to Seiende? I am not a sufficient expert in German grammar, especially the highly modified version of it that Heidegger used. Nor am I an expert on Heidegger. So let me cite Benjamin Waters, on Heidegger’s Sein and Zeit, which may be of general interest concerning translation, and translation of philosophy especially. Not all of this is trivial.
The continuation is interesting also, and ties things to Heidegger’s precise uses in Sein and Zeit. Whether all of this is strictly sound in the terms of conventional grammar is open to debate. However that may be, this essent that I mentioned is supposed to translate either seiend or Seiende or both, and to distinguish either of these from Sein. A reasonable thing to try to do, and the conventionally used entity may not in fact do the job, given the nuances of Heidegger’s view of things. And my point was that, be that as it may, asking for an entry for essent in OED is perhaps going a bit far.
Further reading: a piece on translating Sein und Zeit by Thomas Sheehan.