Ben Slade, a grad student in linguistics, has started a blog, Stæfcræft & Vyākaraṇa (linking Old English and Sanskrit words for ‘linguistics,’ or as close as those languages get to the concept), and it’s a gem. His last two posts are about the “likkle law” of Jamaican Creole English and the etymology of khukuri (a traditional Nepalese knife). I look forward to his future investigations.


  1. Truly fascinating reading, thanks for the link!

  2. Kári Tulinius says

    Thanks for that! Stæfcræft & Vyākaraṇa has been added to the RSS reader.

  3. J. W. Brewer says

    Pour that man a glass of Khukri rum (which actually isn’t that bad, for those skeptics who think “best rum distilled in Nepal” is likely to be damning with faint praise).

  4. Thank you, very interesting from the very first entry.

  5. One to keep an occasional eye on, though I’ll give it some time before I consider adding it to my list of language blogs for regular reading.
    It does seem, here and there, to assume more linguistic knowledge than I am really comfortable with being assumed. For example, in the very first post with its discussion of “āscodon” vs “āhsodon”, there is no explicit summary of the variation between “c” and “h” (not even a link to such a summary). Fleshing out such details a bit more would be an improvement.

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