I wrote about the online journal Linguistic Discovery [archived], “dedicated to the description and analysis of primary linguistic data,” a few years ago; as Claire, from whom I picked this up, said, it seemed to be “dormant for a while,” but it’s still chugging along at the rate of an issue a year, and the latest (2007) issue has articles by James N. Stanford on adjective intensifiers in Sui (“an indigenous minority language of southwest China”) and by Gary F. Simons, Kenneth S. Olson and Paul S. Frank about the digital archiving of a 204-item wordlist in Ngbugu (“an Ubangian language spoken in Central African Republic”). Check out the archive; articles are available in both pdf and HTML formats.
Dear Hat, you seem to have misspelled the name of the blog Dick & Garlick in your list of linguablogs by omitting the last k. My apologies for off-topic commenting about such trifles. ~ NN
No, no, I thank you both for the needed correction and for giving this lonesome post a comment! Topicity is not a major concern here at LH.
Maybe not to you.
OT: Nid wyf yn y swyddfa ar hyn o bryd. Anfonwch unrhyw waith i’w gyfiethu.
People who argue with Hat bring grief to their families, Kron. We wouldn’t want to see the various Kroner dealing with a life-changing event, I don’t think. Certainly I hope not.
I’m definitely not arguing. I’m just saying that like many people here, I worry constantly about topicity. I didn’t realise it before now, because I hadn’t heard the word.
MMcM’s looking to do some Welsh translation work, I see. He should try Swansea Council, they need somebody.
Not dissing you, MMcM—my brother sent the story to me and I posted it before seeing your comment!
As for topicity, I invented it on the spur of the moment, but Google tells me “topicity is the stereochemical relationship of substituents relative to the structure to which they are attached.” So just pretend I was making a stereochemical analogy.
When copy editors go bad…