A new (or revived?) site called Mithridates features posts on a multilingual 404 page (Wuhloss, man, de page yuh lookin for ent here!! — Bajan; Siidan du söökkää e int hää meera. — South Helsinki Swedish; Awan ditan. — Ilokano), rabbit language, the first book printed for a Finnish audience, and a Thai page on the original Mithridates, among other language-related posts. (For instance, I can’t read this website, or even verify that it is in fact about Udmurt poetry, but this post says so, and that’s good enough for me. Udmurt poetry! Who can resist?) So welcome, or welcome back, O spiritual descendent of Pontic rulers and/or A.E. Housman, and keep bringing those tasty links.


  1. Balsam on my bleeding nostalgic heart.
    Udmurtia! Izhevsk! Alma mater!
    Your link is definitely written in Udmurt, although I have no idea what it says.
    Not to mention poetry, in my college years Udmurt was relatively background language, secondary to Russian. As this site says:
    …The sphere of usage of the Udmurt language is narrow and its status is low. Two newspapers and four magazines are currently published in the Udmurt language. About 2.5 hours of radio broadcasts and 1.5 hours of television programmes are delivered daily in Udmurtian. Of 99,000 Udmurt schoolchildren only 29,000 are learning the native language, whereas Udmurtian as the language of instruction is used only in the primary schools of the rural areas, where it is a preparation to the instruction in Russian. There do not seem to be any obvious administrative obstacles to the expanded use of the Udmurtian language in schools, but there is the lack of teachers trained in Udmurtian, and of books and teaching aids. The Parliament of the Republic of Udmurtia has declared the Udmurtian language the official language in the Republic parallelly with Russian, but the language law has met with strong opposition…
    And when I look at the official Udmurt State University site, where they train those teachers, I see that beside their STATE status, being main Udmurt higher education institution located in the capital, the site operates in two languages: Russian and English. Even the page for faculty of Udmurt philology….

  2. Lawrd tunderin jesus bye it tidin dere. (Newfie).
    The Finns were very active with at least three pages.

  3. Yo! Rabbit language… There are couple of those around here. ;o)

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