That’s the title of Volume 2, number 2 (summer 2003) of EnterText, an “interdisciplinary e-journal for cultural and historical studies and creative work” out of Brunel University. The issue has sections on Postcolonial Translation (e.g., John Gilmore on “Parrots, Poets and Philosophers: Language and Empire in the Eighteenth Century“), Transcreation (J. Gill Holland, “Teasing out an English Translation from a Classical Chinese Poem: with a translation from T’ao Ch’ien“; Debjani Chatterjee, “An Introduction to the Ghazal“), and Languages of the Americas (César Itier, “Quechua, Aymara and other Andean Languages: Historical, Linguistic and Socio-linguistic Aspects“; Paul Goulder, “The Languages of Peru: their Past, Present and Future Survival“). Lots of interesting-sounding stuff; I should warn you that the papers themselves are pdf files. (Via wood s lot.)

By the way, my apologies for the extended downtime; I’m buying more bandwidth from my hosting company, so the problem should not reoccur any time soon.

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