LH: TOP 20.

Jon of eduFire just wrote to let me know that LH has been selected as one of their Top 20 Language Bloggers on the Web:

Language Hat is definitely one of the smartest language-related blogs you’ll find. There’s a great community of people reading and commenting on the blog as you can see evidence of here. Highly recommended if you’re looking for something a bit more academic.

I particularly like the citation because it rightly focuses on the “great community,” which is what makes LH what it is. So take a bow, folks!

(Jon says “we’re looking to give away some free language tutoring sessions in the coming weeks and if this is something you’d like to offer to your readers I’d be happy to set that up.” If you’re interested, their e-mail is contact at edurev dot com.)

Also, don’t tell anybody, but it looks like my book is going to be published in the U.S. next year. More details when the deal is final, but I wanted to give hope to those who have been clamoring!


  1. This lurker, dabbler, one-language speaker, is clamoring. Can’t wait for the book, congrats on the well earned lauds.

  2. John Emerson says

    “Let them clamor”, said Queen Kristina, shortly before abdicating the throne to become a nunlike entity in Venice.
    And we will continue to clamor, incessantly!
    And eat cake!

  3. rootlesscosmo says

    Mazel tov!

  4. Congrats!
    (Not to dilute the honor, but the linked post is now “Top 21 Language Bloggers on the Web”. It looks like Jon added Number 21 based on some comments he received.)

  5. Meal do naidheachd, a charaid.

  6. LH,
    Your JUST desert…hats off to ya!
    Ur fiend,

  7. Tillykke!

  8. Congrats on both accounts! All you need to do now is get a nod from the Haberdasherers Award Council and you’ll have pulled off a nice hat trick.
    …I apologize.

  9. Congratulations, lh – when can we expect to see it on UK bookshelves?

  10. It’s on UK bookshelves now (or was earlier—it may be out of print already), but I’m not publicizing that edition because it doesn’t have my name on it. The US edition will be “by Stephen Dodson and Dr. Robert Vanderplank” and have my introduction.

  11. Haberdashers? Milliners?

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