Linguarium aims at the creation of an “on-line version of the first comprehensive Atlas+Catalogue for all world’s languages in Russian,” comparable to Ethnologue. The site is bilingual in English and Russian, with links to various pages, of which one of the most interesting to me is Language maps and map-making. The site is run by Yuri Koryakov, who is also trying to “[get] linguists organized to fill in the many gaps in linguistics coverage in the Russian-language wikipedia, both in biographies of linguists and in content articles,” according to Mark Liberman’s Language Log post (from which I got to the Linguarium project). I wish him the best in both endeavors!
The “Caucasian Languagers in Turkey” map was news to me. Are these recent migrants, or pockets of survivors? They’re scattered throughout, and not clustered on the Georgian border.
A lot of Moslems left the Caucasus when it fell under Russian domination and settled in the Ottoman Empire; Circassians in particular can be found throughout the Levant.
The Language Log post is certainly timely for me. Over the weekend I started working on a long post about my recent efforts to fill in data on a bunch of small New Guinea languages on which I’ve collected a lot of obscure and out-of-print materials over the 30 years since I did fieldwork in PNG. I’ve titled it “Puttering About in My Sprachbundesgarten” and should be able to post it tonight or tomorrow.
Excellent idea. A comparable Arabic effort would be quite cool…
Still working in 2021 (though it hasn’t been updated since 2016)!