Alisa, at Alisa in Wonderland, says in this entry: “This blog is in Yiddish, and it provides an extesive linkage to other sites in and on Yiddish, as well as to some other blogs in Yiddish. I hope it can disprove the common wisdom that this is a dying language.” Mind you, I can’t see it, any more than I could the Vedic site in the previous entry; I guess this is my day for taking things on faith. But I like the idea of Yiddish blogs so much I had to tell the world about them. (Now, are there any Ladino blogs?)
Wow, I am surprised I did not ask this question myself, what with my husband being from Bulgaria. I seriously doubt it, though: Ladino is much less spoken than even Yiddish, as far as I can tell. I’ll see what does Google have to say about it…
Wow, I am impressed. I can see the site though some of the letters are a little out of alignment. So the plural of der blog is di blogim. Thanks for the link.
Yeah, using Mozilla I can see it fine. Neat!
I agree, Alisa, it’s unlikely — but bloggers are crazy, you never know…
I googled for Yiddish blogs and found a few, but nothing came up for Ladino.
If you want a really obscure language to wish for blogs in, in Poland up until WWII there were Muslim units (Ulans or Uhlans) of “Tatar” (~ Turkish) descent who wrote Polish in Arabic script. Presumably they had a Yiddish-like dialect of Polish (they lost Turkish quite early.)
There aren’t many people left who speak Ladino as a mother tongue, and most of them are over 40. Yiddish, in contrast, is a first language for many Jews, particularly haredim. Many Israeli haredim refuse to use Hebrew as a language of daily life because it is the lashon kodesh (holy language) and speak Yiddish instead; there are also substantial Yiddish-speaking communities in the United States. The population of first-language Yiddish speakers is probably in the hundreds of thousands, and it’s much more likely that a young, computer-literate Jew with an urge to blog will do so in Yiddish than Ladino.
BTW, Alisa, what’s your husband’s family name? A very good friend of mine is from Sofia by way of Israel; her maiden name is Calderon.